a. Parents have the duty and the prior right to educate their children.
b. In a pluralistic society different and distinctive educational philosophies can be reflected in a variety of educational institutions which can make significant contributions to society’s educational system.
c. Public authorities have the obligation and responsibility to promote democratic freedom by assuring equal educational opportunities for all students.
d. Public authorities have an obligation to treat those parents who wish to exercise their right to a choice in education outside the school system established by public authorities with financial equity.
e. An independent school should have the right to devise a curriculum fully compatible with its articulated philosophy of education.
f. A school’s curriculum should at least have among its goals the provision of the opportunity for each child
i. to reach the limits of his or her potential.
ii. to acquire the basic skills fundamental to his or her continuing education;
iii. to develop and maintain confidence and a sense of self-worth; iv. to gain the knowledge and acquire the attitudes that he or she needs for active participation in Canadian Society;
v. to develop the moral and aesthetic sensitivity necessary for a complete and reasonable life.
g. No school may advocate or promote racial or ethnic superiority, religious intolerance, or social change through violence.