New Teacher’s Workshop – Calgary

The Association of Independent Schools and Colleges in Alberta’s (AISCA) Designated Signing Authority Program (DSA) sponsors teacher induction workshops for new teachers in independent schools and private ECSs throughout Alberta. AISCA’s DSA Program will pay costs for the workshop, lunch, transportation for those traveling outside of the Edmonton or Calgary area (over 50 KM one way, 65 cents/km – maximum $350. We ask those teachers travelling outside of the city to carpool when possible.) AISCA will reimburse the school for substitute teacher expenses upon receipt of an invoice from the school after the event. We encourage ALL first- and second-year teachers to participate!


This workshop will be facilitated by AISCA’s staff, Board Members, and experienced administrators.


Workshop overview:


With an emphasis on the Teaching Quality Standard (TQS), AISCA staff, current school leaders, and ASICA DSAs (teacher evaluators) will provide an orientation to first- and second-year teachers. New teachers will learn tips and tricks for a successful evaluation. They will engage with experienced school leaders and DSAs sharing experiences and learnings about the common challenges and pitfalls of a beginning teacher. Sharing opportunities between new teachers and group facilitators will be a major part of this workshop so bring your stories and let’s learn from each other!

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New Teacher's Workshop - Calgary

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Apr 24 2025


8:00 am - 3:00 pm


Best Western Plus Port O'Call Hotel
1935 McKnight Boulevard Northeast
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